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Month-End Bookkeeping Tips for Small Businesses

Month-End Bookkeeping Tips for Small Businesses

November 30, 20231 min read

As we approach the end of another month, it's time to ensure your books are in tip-top shape. Here are some valuable month-end bookkeeping tips to keep everything in order.

1. Reconcile Bank Statements. Start by reconciling your bank statements. Ensure all transactions match between your records and your bank statement. This will help identify any discrepancies or errors.

2. Review Outstanding Invoices. Go through your accounts receivable and follow up on any outstanding invoices. This is crucial for maintaining cash flow and reducing bad debts.

3. Record Accruals and Prepayments. Ensure you record any accruals or prepayments for expenses or income. This will provide a more accurate picture of your financial health.

4. Double-Check Tax Obligations. Verify that you're up-to-date with tax payments and obligations. Late fees and penalties can add up, so it's best to stay on top of them.

5. Create Financial Reports. Generate key financial reports, like your profit and loss statement and balance sheet. These reports offer insights into your business's financial performance.

6. Plan for Next Month. Use the end of the month to set financial goals for the upcoming month. This will help you stay proactive in managing your business finances.

Remember, good bookkeeping is not just about compliance; it's also a powerful tool for decision-making and growth. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance with managing your business finances.

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Torie Brabander RT(T) is a passionate bookkeeper who values treating people as human beings rather than numbers. With her exceptional attention to detail and strong organizational skills, Torie is committed to providing top-notch services. She believes in the importance of building strong relationships with her clients to truly understand their needs and help their businesses succeed. When she's not crunching numbers, Torie enjoys spending time with her family and exploring the great outdoors with her dogs.

Torie Brabander

Torie Brabander RT(T) is a passionate bookkeeper who values treating people as human beings rather than numbers. With her exceptional attention to detail and strong organizational skills, Torie is committed to providing top-notch services. She believes in the importance of building strong relationships with her clients to truly understand their needs and help their businesses succeed. When she's not crunching numbers, Torie enjoys spending time with her family and exploring the great outdoors with her dogs.

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